July 30
We reflect on the Seven Teachings, rich gifts held and offered by Indigenous peoples. The book Walking Together by Edith & Neill von Gunten is a resource. Phyllis Kramer will lead the service on Courage.
We reflect on the Seven Teachings, rich gifts held and offered by Indigenous peoples. The book Walking Together by Edith & Neill von Gunten is a resource. Phyllis Kramer will lead the service on Courage.
We reflect on the Seven Teachings, rich gifts held and offered by Indigenous peoples. Walking Together by Neill and Edith Von Gunten is a resource. Michelle Dueck will lead the service, to be held outdoors at the church.
Summer worship 10:00 am.* Sunday School for children and adults resumes in September. Summer themeUsing the framework of the Seven Indigenous Grandfather Teachings, we will reflect on the teachings and Christian faith. A book by Neill & Edith Von Gunten, Walking Together: …
This long weekend Sunday we join First Mennonite congregation at Stirling Ave Mennonite Church for Sunday School Stories
Weather permitting, we will hold an outdoor worship service, led by our Christian Ed team, beginning at 9:45 a.m. This would mean that there is not a ZOOM option for June 25th. Following our service, we’ll be preparing for our …
Singing Sunday with Stephen Yantzi as worship leader, and contributions from the whole congregation. Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
JUNE 11 Guest speaker is Kenneth Mugayehwenkyi from Reach One Touch One Ministries in Uganda.
Guest speaker Colin McCartney of Connect Ministrieshttps://www.connectcity.org
Celebrate Pentecost with us Guest speaker Norm Dyck, Mission Minister from MCEC Communion
Welcome to guest speaker Becky Voll from Faith Climate Justice Waterloo Region.