Summer 2023 Schedule

Summer worship 10:00 am.* Sunday School for children and adults resumes in September.

Summer theme
Using the framework of the Seven Indigenous Grandfather Teachings, we will reflect on the teachings and Christian faith. A book by Neill & Edith Von Gunten, Walking Together: intercultural stories of love and acceptance will be a resource.

Summer schedule

July 2*           Worship at Stirling Mennonite Church/ no service at Pioneer Park

July 9             Seven Grandfather Teachings

July 16          Love

July 23*         Respect — outdoors at church

July 30          Courage

Aug 6*           Worship at First Mennonite Church/ no service at Pioneer Park

Aug 13           Honesty

Aug 20*         Wisdom — Worship outdoors away from site/ no service at Pioneer Park

Aug 27           Humility

Sept 3            Truth – Worship with other churches at Pioneer Park

*Service time and location may vary. Contact church office ( or website for more information.