Sunday, January 21
Guest speaker Ken Ogasawara from Mennonite Central Committee Ontario
Guest speaker Ken Ogasawara from Mennonite Central Committee Ontario
Guest Moses Moini from Mennonite Central Committee will speak on Doing Good: Grace and Gratitude in Action.
Welcome to guest speaker Tamara Shantz who is a spiritual director and Enneagram facilitator. She is interested in exploring different ways of praying, especially prayer that integrates movement and imagination.
World Communion Sunday, with Pastor Melissa speaking. As we reflect on the world-wide body of Christ, and as we celebrate communion, we are drawn to give thanks for the gift of the church, and to lament its brokenness and divisions. …
Guest speaker: Fanosie Legesse, MCEC Intercultural Mission Minister, Scripture: John 4:1-42; Theology, Culture and Evangelism
JUNE 11 Guest speaker is Kenneth Mugayehwenkyi from Reach One Touch One Ministries in Uganda.
Guest speaker Colin McCartney of Connect Ministries
Celebrate Pentecost with us Guest speaker Norm Dyck, Mission Minister from MCEC Communion
Guest speaker is Kara Carter, who has served as pastor at Wellesley Mennonite Church for 11+ years. Sermon title: Stumbling Blocks & Burning Bushes Scripture texts: Numbers 4:4-15: Luke 10:1-11.