Sunday, January 19, 2025
Ed Janzen, retired Grebel chaplain, will be speaking on “The Comfort of Deep Discernment (or the benefits of a good sleep) with a focus on Psalm 36 and John 2:1-11.
Ed Janzen, retired Grebel chaplain, will be speaking on “The Comfort of Deep Discernment (or the benefits of a good sleep) with a focus on Psalm 36 and John 2:1-11.
Pastor Stephen will be preaching this Sunday on the theme of “Preparing the Way for the Lord” based on Luke 3:1-22 and Psalm 51:6-17.
We warmly welcome our new pastor, Stephen Reist to PPCF for his first Sunday!! Guest speaker, Elmer Thiessen, will be speaking on nurturing faith and the education that Jesus received with focus on the passage of Luke 2:41-52.“Jesus grew in …
Worship Committee, with Phyllis Kramer, will lead the service at the usual start time of 9:45a.m. There will be no Sunday School. In worship, we continue with the theme, “Together on theJourney.” Focus will be “Keeping Promises: Who Sees It?”
This Sunday, we continue “Together on the Journey” for the fourth week of Advent. Pastor Melissa is preaching on Luke 1:26-49 and Psalm 113. Consider: Our God is a God of relationship and covenant who provides us with companions for …
For the third Sunday of Advent, we will reflect on the theme of “Who Belongs?” with a focus on Isaiah 61:1-4, 7-8, and Luke 4:16-21. We welcome guest speaker, Tamara Shantz, to PPCF.Tamara is a spiritual director, Enneagram teacher, and …
We continue Advent with the theme Together on the Journey. Pastor Melissa will speak on the Scripture: Joel 2:12-13, 28-29; Luke 11:13. Consider: God gives good gifts. How do we open our hearts to receive them?
This first Sunday of Advent, PPCF is holding our annual Christmas dinner Sunday afternoon followed by worship.Contact the church office for more details if you would like to attend! For the service, Pastor Melissa will be introducing the Advent theme …
This Sunday, we welcome guest speaker Alan Miller from Akron Pennsylvania. Alan is a retired pastor of Mennonite and Church of the Brethren congregations. He will conclude our studies on Galatians, with a sermon titled “Do Gooders” based on Galatians …
This Sunday, we remember those who have died, and give thanks for our Christianhope in God’s eternal care. Pastor Melissa will be speaking on Galatians 5:13-25. In preparation, consider visiting a cemetery to reflect on death, and loved ones who …