COVID – 19 Procedures For Use of Facility at 68 Biehn Drive, Kitchener.


Response to COVID Given our experiences during the pandemic, MCT asks participants to respect individual choices. This includes the wearing of masks and physical distancing. MCT recommends that people with symptoms of illness worship through ZOOM. 

GENERAL                                                                                          September 16, 2021

The following procedural outline as issued by Pioneer Park Christian Fellowship, owner / operator of 68 Biehn Drive, Kitchener, is intended to set a minimum standard of care during the Covid-19 pandemic environment. The document is based on the current recommendations of provincial, regional and municipal authorities, and is subject to change at their direction.

A sign at the door will state the following.

You are welcome here. Please ensure you: 

  • Have no COVID-19 symptoms (e.g. fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, or shortness of breath) AND 
  • Have not travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days AND 
  • Have not been in close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19 
  • Practice social distancing and keep a 2-meter (6 feet) space between yourself and others.
  • Wear a mask.
  • The following link is available to assess your symptoms:

The following recommendations from the Region of Waterloo will be followed at PPCF:

  • Frequent handwashing and/or use of hand sanitizer.
  • In addition to routine cleaning, clean and disinfect frequently touched objects (e.g. phones, doorknobs, light switches, toilet handles, counters, sound systems, hand rails, piano keys etc.) 
  • A container of disinfectant wipes will be kept in the sound system cupboard and the user must clean the unit thoroughly after each use.


  • Maximum capacity of 40 people in the sanctuary, plus 15 in the overflow area.
  • Masks must be worn. Age 2 and under are exempt.
  • Staggered entry and exit must be adhered to – keeping 2 meters apart at all times (do not hang up belongings)
  • Hand Sanitizer will be available but supervision of usage by young children is required.
  • All persons and or family groups must be seated 2 meters apart.
  • Instrumental music can resume, congregational singing/humming with masks on.  Choirs and performers can also be done by video.
  • Offering and Communion – no passing of the elements.
  • Attendance must be taken – for purpose of tracing if asked by Medical officer of health.
  • Only mics on stands are permitted.
  • Be mindful that the longer you are in an indoor space the more likely COVID will find a host.  Experts recommend one hour maximum of people in one space.

Weddings, Baptisms, and Funerals – check current Regional restrictions.

KITCHEN SPACE IS CLOSED – no food in the building

NURSERY SPACE is limited to two adults and 6 children. Children 3 years and older must wear a mask. PPCF will not provide toys.

LIBRARY SPACE is restricted to no more than 4 persons.

BASEMENT SPACE – The basement large room can be used for 10 (including staff), following all the above procedures. 

Children must wash hands before beginning, and after ending, all activities.