Sunday, April 30
We welcome guest speaker Kevin Derksen from MCEC.
We welcome guest speaker Kevin Derksen from MCEC.
Guest speaker is Kara Carter, who has served as pastor at Wellesley Mennonite Church for 11+ years. Sermon title: Stumbling Blocks & Burning Bushes Scripture texts: Numbers 4:4-15: Luke 10:1-11.
It is Friday Evening, take a break and share a meal and family fun with us The Church at 68 Biehn Drwill be hosting a Community Comforter & Blanket Relief EventFriday March 31, 2023 Join in relief workJoin us to …
2023 Response to COVID Given our experiences during the pandemic, MCT asks participants to respect individual choices. This includes the wearing of masks and physical distancing. MCT recommends that people with symptoms of illness worship through ZOOM. GENERAL September 16, 2021 The …
COVID – 19 Procedures For Use of Facility at 68 Biehn Drive, Kitchener. Read more »
Returning to church during the COVID-19 pandemic requires a new protocol. Here is a short video to help you know what to expect.