Sunday, April 7
Welcome to guest speaker Leah Cressman, registered psychotherapist with By Peaceful Waters Counseling Agency
Welcome to guest speaker Leah Cressman, registered psychotherapist with By Peaceful Waters Counseling Agency
Maundy Thursday, March 28 — Seder Dinner and Remembrance 5:30 pm Good Friday, March 29 — Worship service 10:00 am Easter Sunday, March 31 — Breakfast 9:00 am; Christian Education for children, 9:45; Worship service 10:45
Palm Sunday Welcome to guest speaker Cedric Martin who lives in Toronto, and is Artistic Director of Theatre of the Beat. We continue with a theme of Christ Among Us; this Sunday we reflect on Jesus showing us the way of a …
Fifth Sunday of Lent Welcome to guest speaker on Alissa Bender. On the 5th Sunday of Lent, we remember Christ Among Us, the Way of the New Covenant. Scriptures are Jeremiah 31:31-34 and John 12:20-33. Alissa will speak to us on …
Fourth Sunday of Lent Worship service starts at 9:45am – Pastor Melissa will speak. Scriptures are John 3:14-21 and Ephesians 2:1-10. Consider: We are God’s work of art created in Jesus to do good things (from Ephesians 2:10). How does being “a God-work …
Third Sunday of Lent We welcome Amanda Pott of Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp this morning.
Second Sunday of Lent On the second Sunday of Lent, we reflect on “Christ among us, showing us faith.” Pastor Melissa will speak. Scriptures are Genesis 17:1-7; Mark 8:31-38; Romans 4:13-25. How does faith in Jesus lead to transformation? Bring new life?
First Sunday of Lent Lent begins with a theme of Christ Among Us. On the first Sunday of Lent, we hear Jesus’ words to “repent and believe”. Scriptures are Genesis 9:8-17; Psalm 25:1-10; Mark 1:9-15.
Guest speaker: Mykayla Turner
Guest speaker: Josh Penfold, Program Directer for Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp